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Revision 4.00

16th December 2014















Space Rocket

Moon Buggy

Make this super space rocket from bits and pieces such as empty cartons, bottle tops and scraps of card and paper.

Just follow these instructions and tips, or you can change any of the details to make the rocket in your own style.


The Rocket covered with white paper

3. Cover the rocket
with glued copy paper
and when dry, paint
the whole rocket white.

The Rocket covered with white paper

2. Collect the materials
you need and make
the basic shape.

The Rocket covered with white paper

1. Draw your ideas.


A simple way to make a paper cone

A simple way to make a paper cone.

1. Draw around a bottle cap & cut out
the circle.
2. Fold the circle twice to find the centre,
then cut from the rim to the centre.
3. Overlap the cut and stick together
to make a cone.

Nose cone

The nose cone is made from
a bottle top, with a small
paper cone and a cocktail
stick added.

Tissue paper balls

Tissue paper balls

The Booster Rockets

The Booster Rockets

The booster rockets are made from rolled up paper tubes, and glued to the body of the rocket. The rounded tops are simply made from glued and rolled tissue paper balls to fit the ends of the paper tubes, and are fixed in place with small strips of glued tissue.

The Rocket Engines

The Rocket Engines

The rocket engines are small plastic bottle tops covered with glued copy paper and left to dry, to make them easier to paint with silver acrylic paint. Once the paint is dry the engines can be fixed to the base of the rocket, and the bottom of the booster rockets, using a hot glue gun.

The Rocket Fins

The Rocket Fins

The rocket fins are cut from card, two card fins can be stuck together and the tabs folded out to stick to the body of the rocket. Two fin templates are available on Space Rocket.pdf, but you can make your own fins of whatever size and shape fits your rocket best.

Rocket Logos

Download Space Rocket.pdf and print these instructions together with a set of logos to cut out and stick on the white background areas of your rocket as required.

The Finished Rocket

Add the details with black paint or strips of black paper,
cut out and fix the logos to your rocket and show it off!